School needs repairs to enhance our learning

In response to Gene Geiss' letter ("Focus on students, not a new building," Auburn Reporter, April 20), PLC (Professional Learning Communities) periods are an additional hour that gives teachers a chance to examine students' work, analyze testing data and identify students that need more time and support. This hour gives teachers more time to focus on students and is a crucial part of their classroom planning.

In response to Gene Geiss’ letter (“Focus on students, not a new building,” Auburn Reporter, April 20), PLC (Professional Learning Communities) periods are an additional hour that gives teachers a chance to examine students’ work, analyze testing data and identify students that need more time and support. This hour gives teachers more time to focus on students and is a crucial part of their classroom planning.

I understand that in hard economic times paying for a brand new high school is daunting. However, as a student who attends Auburn High School on a daily basis, the building’s need of a replacement is apparent. Geiss stated that the building is “warm, dry and very functional.” However, during winter months, students have to wear several layers of clothing to stay warm in the aging school.

In a math class, there is a desk that students cannot sit in when it rains because the roof leaks.

A few month ago, the school had to be evacuated because the boiler was not working properly, causing students learning to be interrupted.

As a student I know first hand that the teachers and staff of the school genuinely care about their students and strive to provide students with the best education possible.

The inadequate infrastructure of the school is not providing a safe nor suitable learning environment.

Focusing on students and building a new school go hand in hand.

– Gabrielle Lane