Some relief at last

The 2008 presidential election is over. Finally! I am truly thankful. I cannot adequately express how thankful I am.

The 2008 presidential election is over. Finally! I am truly thankful. I cannot adequately express how thankful I am.

Just how long this campaign season lasted I cannot say, but I am fairly certain it has lasted longer than any term of office.

Television and radio campaign ads went beyond annoying and irritating to assaulting. The negative attacks instantly could send me flying into other rooms of the house.

For me, most of those ads worked in reverse of their intent. In at least one race, I voted against the candidate running the negative ad by voting for the opponent.

I am not sure what a pundit is but I am confident I don’t want one over for dinner. I don’t even like listening to them during my dinner.

But in the end, regardless of party affiliation or candidate choice, I am thankful to have witnessed this event and this time in America’s history.

– Nancy Harvey