Special day, and a grand parade

I would like to thank the city of Auburn for the wonderful Veterans Day celebration on Nov. 7.

I would like to thank the city of Auburn for the wonderful Veterans Day celebration on Nov. 7. Even though the weather was not good, there were still over 5,000 participants and more than 20,000 spectators.

Highlights of the day began with a remembrance and lighting of the flame in Veterans Park. Then there was the parade. It was huge. It took more than two hours to pass the reviewing stand. There were many veterans groups and military vehicles. High schools had large groups of ROTC marchers.

Most impressive were the high school bands. There were large numbers. Their uniforms looked great, and they came from as far away as Grants Pass, Astoria and Spokane.

And I had the honor of riding in the first car with the mayor, Nancy Backus.

Thank you, Auburn.

– Leo J. Thoennes