Roger Flygare is personal friend, and I felt it important to state how I feel regarding the finding of Roger’s misstated military record. He is running for State Representative in the 30th District Position 1. I know Roger, as do his many personal friends, as a person who would never intentionally misrepresent himself, or facts important to the public.
I encourage you to communicate with Roger, question and engage him on issues important to you. You’ll will find out what friends and I already know. He does not dodge or skirt around tough situations. He will consider the best course to move forward and go to work helping others understand that position.
Too many times elected people play games with the truth or spin information such that the point is no longer in the discussion. I hate that. It communicates to me they are hiding the truth or misrepresenting the issue.
I know Roger loves the state of Washington and the community he lives in. He wants to serve and improve our government. I believe this issue does not change the facts. Roger has served this country with integrity and honor and was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries received during that service. He is the type of person I want representing me because I know he will present the facts to the best of his ability and face mistakes made with the truth.
What better test could you ask for before electing someone to public office?
– Phillip A. Schmuck