Tale of two Trumps

Do we have a competent and emotionally stable helmsman guiding our ship of state, or is the good vessel “USS America” thoroughly adrift and jostling around wildly amid a storm of anxiety-producing global events?

Plainly put, should America’s citizenry declare President Trump’s administration an incorrigible failure, or can we yet hope for reasonably good things from his White House?

At least, in my opinion – and hopefully in the view of a majority of Americans – our president is entirely capable of governing this nation in a manner that speaks highly of his abilities. He can be shrewd and deeply analytical. Underneath his surface persona, which is to say that of a reality TV host and pop culture celebrity, there is an individual who possesses quite enough talent to set our North America civilization on a better course. Trump merely needs to heed “the better angels of his nature.”

Which Donald Trump emerges victorious from his mental struggle – the man who savagely lashes out at his critics or the one who sincerely wishes to alter our country’s course for the better – is something at which we can only guess.

Meanwhile, the American people would do well to keep their fingers crossed.

– Frank Goheen