Thank you, Pacific citizens

On behalf of the recall committee, Jim Pickett, Tracey Apata and myself, we are grateful for the support of the citizens of Pacific who volunteered, supported and most of all, voted both for and against their candidates.

On behalf of the recall committee, Jim Pickett, Tracey Apata and myself, we are grateful for the support of the citizens of Pacific who volunteered, supported and most of all, voted both for and against their candidates.

This year the citizens will be choosing four council positions and exercising their free right to vote wisely. We have one more issue to deal with and again we are asking for your help.

Jeff Helsdon, attorney at law, did a marvelous job for us and he earned his pay in full. At this time we are short, a little under $1,700 in paying him in full.

Therefore, we have scheduled another yard sale for the weekend of Aug. 24-25 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.

Again, all items will be donated and all purchases will be by donation only. We will be at the same location as the last sale, 105 Third Ave. SW, Pacific. Your involvement again will be greatly appreciated.

We will be inviting all the council candidates to join us to allow you to meet them and ask questions face to face.

Please come and join us.

– Don Thomson