Thank you to Lake Tapps Top Foods in Lakeland Hills, Kiwanis of the Valley and Tim’s Cascade Chips for the food and fixings for our fabulous barbecue at Mud Mountain Dam Park.
The kids had a blast playing ball, climbing and jumping on the playground equipment, hiking the trail, splashing around in the wading pool and feasting on the delicious BBQ lunch.
Thank you to Seattle Aquarium and Woodland Park Zoo. This year we had a special guest chaperoning our zoo trip, Mr. Jim Blanchard, AYR executive director. He’s a man who gets into his work. Mr. Blanchard and his crew of two meandered merrily through the zoo and got lost in the verdant zoo forest later to be found safe by therapist/adventurer Jaime Bliss.
AYR Auburn joined EYFS Enumclaw to enjoy the spirited Seattle Mariners’ game on Aug. 1.
We had several happy fishermen at Bill’s Fishin’ Hole in Orting. Trout Lodge Inc. donated the use of fishing equipment, fishing lessons, two fish catch per child, fish cleaning/packing and a tour of its facility. Thank you, Trout Lodge Inc., for allowing us the thrill of catching fish and taking them home for dinner.
More than 80 kids signed up this year. Many of the kids were able to join us on two or more outings. If you are interested in supporting SHARE trips, please contact me at 253-939-2202.
– Tiari Gardner DeGraw of Auburn Youth Resources