Time is now to repair our roads

It's good to hear the thoughts and opinions expressed on the Auburn street improvement bond issue on the April 17 ballot. At the same time, I appreciate the work the Arterial Streets Task Force put into studying and analyzing this problem.

It’s good to hear the thoughts and opinions expressed on the Auburn street improvement bond issue on the April 17 ballot. At the same time, I appreciate the work the Arterial Streets Task Force put into studying and analyzing this problem.

Yes, we all pay taxes to the state and, as the task force discovered, none of those taxes are allocated for repair of local roads and streets.

Our streets project the image of a town that is not interested in its current and future infrastructure, which is not the case, but the message is real.

Our economic development initiatives are impaired. Bad streets impact freight deliveries and create real safety issues when cars swerve to avoid potholes and rough spots.

When potential new residents and business owners visit Auburn and drive around on our crumbling streets, they find Auburn less attractive than other locations and may choose not to live here. A business that locates elsewhere is jobs lost to our economy.

I see this bond issue as a creative and positive way for business people and citizens of our city to come together, accept responsibility for our infrastructure and make the investment that will strengthen our future. We can wait for improvement in business activity and increases in revenue, but we’ll lose valuable time. The streets will get worse, and the cost to make the improvements will go up.

I live in Auburn, work in Auburn and own property in Auburn. Do I like additional taxes? Of course not. Am I willing to bite the bullet and get going now to improve our streets? Absolutely. I am prepared to pay my fair share and am voting yes on the bond proposal.

– Nancy Colson