Time to clean house

I have no ties to any of the candidates running for mayor or City Council. That being said, I have been a resident of Auburn since 1990, and it's high time to start getting rid of the good ol' boy, good ol' girl club within the council and those running for mayor. John Partridge is new to the council. It has been nice to see a fresh face in there. This city has been stagnant for far too long, and the changes that seem to happen do not seem to be for the good of the whole community. The latest one being the enormous amount of money being wasted on audio-video equipment for a golf course. I think that money could be better spent where the need is greater than on a golf course that few use.

I have no ties to any of the candidates running for mayor or City Council. That being said, I have been a resident of Auburn since 1990, and it’s high time to start getting rid of the good ol’ boy, good ol’ girl club within the council and those running for mayor.

John Partridge is new to the council. It has been nice to see a fresh face in there. This city has been stagnant for far too long, and the changes that seem to happen do not seem to be for the good of the whole community. The latest one being the enormous amount of money being wasted on audio-video equipment for a golf course. I think that money could be better spent where the need is greater than on a golf course that few use.

Basically, all I’m saying is if you want and are happy with more of the same, vote for the good ol’ boy, girl club. If you want to see some fresh faces and hopefully change, vote for one of the new candidates for City Council or Mayor. I know I will.

– Dave Giller