Please ban plastic bags in Auburn.
According to, “200 million tons of plastic bags are being produced in a year. Less than 3.5 percent is recycled. Or, in other words, 96 percent of the world’s plastic is not recycled.” This means 96 percent of the world’s plastic is like living pollution.
Plastic bags are harmful to animals in many ways.
They can take millions of years to decompose and are difficult to recycle.
According to the Sierra Club, “Only 1-3 percent of plastic bags are recycled. The rest ends up in a landfill or scattered around as litter.” It also costs about $4,000 to recycle a ton of plastic.
Reusable bags are better to use and more efficient than regular plastic bags.
Lastly, banning plastic bags has been the most effective method. In San Jose, Calif., ever since a ban went into effect, “the city found an 89 percent reduction of plastic bags in the city’s storm drain system.”
We should use our own grocery bag from home every time we go to the grocery store.
If you see a plastic bag on the ground or road, pick it up. Promote ways people can reduce plastic and pollution. Encourage others.
– Maddison Carver