Why are we not seeing any reference to the extreme homosexual bills almost near passage in Olympia? Why no fact sheet of the radical points? Why no explanation of how much it will cost us? Why are most people’s values being set aside to establish this most aggressive minority’s agenda?
I read years ago from a gay activist that if they could make their demands look like a civil rights issue – since most Americans are fair-minded – it will have support. BUT they already have rights-they can love whoever they want, but they want special rights-to orient children that this is normal; and to persecute all those who will not support that “standard”.
This is not a civil rights issue at all. Sexual orientation is not the same as race or gender. It may be the result of a disastrous childhood or CHOICE, but there are many who have gladly left this “category.” We never see reporters looking at the other side of this issue. Why is that?
If the threat to our society is not appreciated, it will be when it may be too late. Their agenda allows no respect for the First Amendment rights of the rest of us. We are tolerating the extremely intolerant.
This current state government is in financial crisis – since they manage to spend over limits set by I-601 a few years ago. Plans are to make cuts, for example, to public education, yet I understand the cost of implementing this new gay rights bill is $30 million. If this passes, and with Democratic majorities that is likely, it reflects an incredible denial of responsible leadership. Only Speaker of the House, Frank Chopp can stop this radical law from passage – since most of us have known nothing about it.
– Jane Sullard