I must respond to Jane Sullard’s letter (“Too radical a law,” March 27, Auburn Reporter) referring to the enhanced domestic partnership bill that has recently passed the Senate. This is not an “extreme homosexual bill” nor is it radical. It is designed to minimize the inequality families like mine face when it comes time to inherit property from our long-term domestic partners, share in our pensions and retirement benefits, and prepare for our futures.
And I am not sure where Ms. Sullard’s figure of $30 million dollars came from, but please think about this for one moment: Gay and lesbian families have carried an unequal tax burden for years. We also have suffered discrimination on the job, in the work place and in housing. The law passed a few years ago to end this discrimination, the domestic partnership registry and now this enhancement are meant to level the playing field, not slant it, as it has been in the past.
I am sorry that there are still folks who believe the propaganda about the so-called “agenda” they believe is driving the changes in the law. I believe this is one of the most hideous myths going, that gays and lesbians have some terrible plan that subverts the Constitution, is an outright attack on the institution of the family – and I really take offense at this – “they want special rights to orient children that this is normal.”
When was the last time two gays or two lesbians knocked on your door to share their “lifestyle” in order to try to get you to join? Pu-leeze … let’s let go of this notion that there is some insidious agenda. We are people, just like you, living on your block, in your town, fighting your fires, policing your streets, scanning your groceries, volunteering at schools and churches, and celebrating our kids birthdays and mourning our loved ones’ deaths … just like you.
– Debra Rexroat