I’ve known Clarissa Ruston for the 17 years that she’s been in Auburn. And the first four of those years I worked closely with her. Clarissa is a bright, capable person who has served the community in many ways and will be an excellent school board director.
Clarissa’s extensive leadership roles with the Auburn School district have been recognized by the teachers of Auburn. The Auburn Education Association has given their stamp of approval and endorsed her for the School Board position. Her work with kids has also been noticed at the State level where she received a Washington State Parent Teacher Association, Outstanding Service Award.
Clarissa is well connected with the community serving on boards and committees, contributing to worthy causes and participating in many local events. This type of involvement puts her in contact with hundreds of people. These contacts make her accessible and are invaluable and interrelated with the work she will be doing as a Board member.
I know that from my experience working with Clarissa, she is a team player who gets results. She does her homework, and the kids of Auburn will be the benefactors. Besides all of her attributes which will make her an outstanding Board member, she is truly a nice person.
I encourage you to vote for Clarissa Ruston.
– Len Chapman