VRFA unfair with tax formulas

In response to Algona Mayor Hill's letter regarding the Valley Regional Fire Authority (Auburn Reporter, Aug. 27), I would like to offer some factual information.

In response to Algona Mayor Hill’s letter regarding the Valley Regional Fire Authority (Auburn Reporter, Aug. 27), I would like to offer some factual information.

When comparing costs, one must use the 2007 taxes (City taxes before the VRFA) and subsequent years (City, fire and fire fees) to have an accurate picture of the impact of the VRFA on your taxes. The City (Auburn) and fire taxes on my residence have increased 32 percent since 2007, while the total taxes have increased only 10.67 percent. These increases are minor compared to the increases on commercial and industrial buildings, which typically have gone up 100-200 percent (City and fire taxes) for the same comparisons, while total taxes have increased 30-50 percent.

VRFA is the “fat cat” with way more money than they need due to their unfair taxing formulas.

– Fred W. Poe