Terry Home’s popular Show & Shine car show celebrates its 25th anniversary on Saturday, Aug, 19, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the City of Pacific Park, 600 Third Ave. SE.
The show benefits local young people with traumatic brain injuries living in two Terry Home residences in Pacific and Auburn.
The time-honored Show & Shine features classic cars and trucks, motorcycles, race cars and vehicles “under construction.” The show will also feature children’s activities, live music, food, raffle tickets, door prizes and trophy presentations.
Vehicle owners are invited to celebrate a quarter-century of Terry Home car shows with a kickoff cruise around Pacific.
Admission is free for spectators. To register a vehicle to show, the fee is $15 before Aug. 4 and $20 on the day of the show.
For more information and a registration form, visit www.terryhomeinc.org.