Heavier Than Air Family Theater will hold open auditions for an upcoming production of “Jack & the Giant, the Musical”, an original interpretation of the classic fairy tale with a few magical surprises.
Auditions are 7 to 9:30 p.m. April 2 and April 4 at Green River Community College, Performing Arts Building, 12401 SE 320th St., Auburn.
Informal cold readings from the script are for adults, ages 16 and older. It is a group audition and no advanced preparation is necessary. Needed are community actors and actresses, with strong singing, dancing and acting skills.
Rehearsals will be every Tuesday and Thursday starting April 11.
Under the direction of Joe Baker, the musical will grace the stage June 14, 15, 21, 22.
Local talent Bob Hubley has written “Jack & the Giant” especially for Heavier Than Air. He as previously written musical scores for Missoula Children’s Theater, including “Piped Piper”.
Originally from New Jersey, Hubley has earned his living as a musical entertainer in Montana and Seattle. He has been associated with HTA for more than 20 years and has been the musical director for countless HTA productions.
As the resident semi-professional theatre for the college, Heavier Than Air Family Theatre has been bringing quality family theatre to the area for mow than 35 years.
For more information, call Baker at 253-833-9111, ext. 2409 or jbaker@greenriver.edu or visit www.heavierthanair.com.