Humanities Washington compiles its readings for kids housebound by pandemic

When COVID-19 first struck, closing schools and workplaces and keeping so many people at home, Humanities Washington created Cabin Fever Kids, a digital project inspired by its Prime Time Family Reading Program.

The idea was that one or two times per week, people throughout the state would receive a link to a reading of a beloved children’s book in their inbox, along with open-ended questions about the story for children, parents and teachers to chew over questions rooted in philosophy, critical thinking, sociology, psychology and other disciplines.

With schools across the state still closed, and a future that remains uncertain, Humanities Washington has gone ahead and compiled its Cabin Fever Kids project into a single digital book, with each story’s questions printable as one double-sided sheet.

Humanities Washington says its hope is that parents, teachers and families can make use of the compilation as part of remote learning, home learning, or even bedtime reading. Even adults without children may be inspired — after all, diving beneath the surface of a book’s ideas is something everyone does to enrich their experience of reading.

See the project at