Nearly 200 handbell ringers will converge at Green River Community College gymnasium for a 7 p.m. concert Saturday.
The concert is presented by handbell choirs from around the Puget Sound Area, mostly from churches, and sponsored by the American Guild of English Handbell Ringers (AGEHR).
The concert will feature more than 25 handbell choirs in a mass concert. The groups have prepared the music in advance and will spend the day working with Hart Morris, a nationally know handbell composer and conductor. The final concert will feature several pieces by the entire group, several more by smaller portions of the group, and one or two by individual groups.
Area X of AGEHR, which includes the state of Washington, is dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community and communication. Currently there are approximately 430 members in Area X. Most memberships are held by choirs with some individual memberships.