Lifegate Auburn Foursquare Church at 307 East Main St. will begin providing two morning services on Sunday Feb. 15, allowing it to double its capacity and include so many more people in the things that are happening there.
The 9 a.m. service will provide for all ages, except junior- and senior-high-school-age youngsters.
The 11 a.m. service will minister to all ages. Both services will allow a generous amount of time for hanging back to catch up with friends and make new ones.
“It is a great time to be the church in Auburn and the surrounding area,” said Pastor Pat O’Leary. “We have been given so much, and hopefully this step will give Lifegate an opportunity to be a source of encouragement to a whole new group of people.”
For more information, please contact the church at 253-735-3153 or visit it at