On a Brighter Note: All we need is love, and chocolate

In our house Valentine's Day is about the kids, just as it was when I was a child. When my brother and I were young our mother made a big deal out of this special day. She made a big deal out of every holiday, but for some reason I remember especially liking Feb. 14. It might have had something to do with the chocolate

In our house Valentine’s Day is about the kids, just as it was when I was a child.

When my brother and I were young our mother made a big deal out of this special day. She made a big deal out of every holiday, but for some reason I remember especially liking Feb. 14. It might have had something to do with the chocolate.

Not only would we get a few chocolates in our lunch that day at school, we would also get a few more when we got home. And my favorite treat of the day was dessert. I remember the first time she make us a delicious heart shaped chocolate cake with red icing and pink sprinkles. And even though our grandfather jokingly croaked out “It’s dry,” like he always did when he bit into cake, it was the moistest, most delicious piece of heaven I’d ever tasted.

But Valentine’s Day wasn’t just about the chocolate. It was a day to celebrate and express our love for one another. It was a really great day all around.

When I got older the holiday seemed to take on a new meaning, more about romantic love. I didn’t start dating until I was 19 so this was just an observation for me as I listened to my friends who were either elated with the gifts and cards given to them, or disappointed by what they did or didn’t get. When I finally joined the complicated world of dating, I noticed that I lacked the

romantic streak most of my friends had.

“I wouldn’t bother buying me flowers,” I told more than one suitor. “They’re just going to die.” I didn’t say it to be ungrateful, but rather to be practical. Of course chocolates would die too, but at least they’d melt slowly in my mouth as they wilted away to nothing.

Once I became a mother, Valentine’s Day became a kid holiday all over again. Even when my firstborn was just a baby, and had no idea what was going on, I was writing him love letters and dressing him in red. Once his little sister came along he got into the action too. She was almost three years younger and he was immediately so full of love for her that when an actual holiday rolled around and was geared towards the expression of love for one another, he was keen to express it.

When Daisy was old enough, the two of them would spend hours on their arts and crafts making presents and cards and decorating the house. Their enthusiasm for the day reminded me of my mom’s.

The big day of love is on a Tuesday this year and as usual they’ll be celebrating at school, and for the first time 11-year-old Sam will be going to a Valentine’s dance at his school in the evening. Daisy was eager to go as well, contemplating who should be her date. She was disappointed, however, to find out it was only for the sixth-graders.

Seems that both my kids are noticing the romantic side to the day quite a bit earlier than I did. Good grief. Where’s the chocolate when I need it?

To watch the video that accompanies this column and see how other kids feel about Valentine’s Day please visit LoriWelbourne.com.