This Year, don’t even think about dieting – at least not the way you used to | Gustafson

You know the holiday season is over when people start talking about their New Year’s resolutions. For some it’s almost an annual ritual. In my line of work, I get lots of new business. I also get to see old clients again, but these are reunions I never look forward to.

You know the holiday season is over when people start talking about their New Year’s resolutions. For some it’s almost an annual ritual. In my line of work, I get lots of new business. I also get to see old clients again, but these are reunions I never look forward to.

Diets are often doomed from the start

It seems the beginning of another year always motivates people to make long overdue changes in their lifestyle. There is, of course, remorse from the holiday escapades and the desire to fit in a new wardrobe for the warmer weather. So, dieting it is.

Unfortunately, most diets work like budget cuts – all restrictions and no immediate rewards. That is one of the main reasons why so many dieters fail. If your way of dieting offers you nothing but deprivation, you will not stick to it no matter how beneficial it may be. That is why I favor a slow approach of many small incremental steps rather than crash diets and other quick fixes.

Setting realistic goals

It has been said that nothing in the world arouses more false hope than the first hours of a diet. At the outset, everyone who decides to go on a diet- or fitness program is a sure winner. That may explain why resolutions are so popular, despite of their dismal track record.

The truth is that, no matter how dedicated you are, sticking to any diet for the long haul is a real challenge. So, if you decide to give your weight loss goals another try this time around, be warned that there will be times when you will simply slip up – and probably more than once. If that feels too discouraging, you may want to re-examine your goals and ask yourself what you can realistically expect to achieve.

Determine what you want

Simply wanting to lose weight is a rather vague objective. Define your intentions more precisely. For example: I want to lose weight to be healthier, have more energy, be more active, and so on. Or you may be in need of losing weight to deal with diabetes, high blood pressure or heart issues. Once you have identified your target, it is easier to fine-tune your strategies.

Pace yourself when making changes

If you are overweight but otherwise healthy and fit, you may be able to continue your preferred eating habits but limit your portion sizes. If you manage to reduce your daily calorie intake by only 500 calories, you should be able to lose one pound per week. You can also increase your physical activity level to burn off extra calories without having to fast.

In any case, make sure you don’t attempt making too many changes in your lifestyle all at once. Behavior modification is not something you decide to do and then you’re done. Pay attention to important cues, like boredom, frustration, anger, loneliness or stress, as well as your responses, like binge eating, alcohol- or drug abuse, etc. Some bad habits die hard. You can only change them with great determination. It is crucial that you follow through with your plans, even when you struggle.

Monitor your progress

To monitor your progress, it can be helpful to write a “food diary” where you keep track of your calorie intake and other measures. If things go well, you may only need to “check in” once a week or even once a month. Every so often, you may decide that you’re ready for new challenges. But even if things go poorly, you always have opportunities to rethink your strategy, adjust and recommit yourself. You may need to take certain detours before proceeding further. For example, if stress is an obstacle, seeking counseling or developing stress management skills on your own may be of value.

Everything in moderation

“Everything in moderation – including moderation,” a patient of mine once pointed out to me, explaining his reasons for taking a break from the diet regimen I had prescribed for him. Of course, he was right. Drastic measures result routinely in drastic failures. As I said before, I believe in small steps rather than grand solutions, especially when significant lifestyle changes are required.

Good health is always a work in progress. Sometimes that means failure and having to start over. When that happens, be patient and kind to yourself. My favorite motto is: “Nothing is forbidden, but everything counts.”

Whatever you choose to do for your health and well-being this year, make it user-friendly and keep it manageable. Your regimen should fit comfortably in your work schedule and not disrupt your existing lifestyle too severely. If your well-intended efforts demand more of you than you can handle, you won’t be able to maintain them for long.

Getting support

Most friends and families are initially quite supportive when one of their loved ones tries to make health- and lifestyle improvements. But that does not always last. For example, spouses who don’t see a need for certain dietary changes for themselves may feel imposed upon. Kids may not understand why some of their favorite foods are no longer being served at the dinner table or why eating out every weekend is no longer an option. I have witnessed both husbands and wives becoming insecure or downright resentful when weight loss begins to have positive effects on their spouse’s appearance. Some of my clients have literally re-discovered their sex-appeal, and in a few cases that was not good for the marriage.

So be aware that in can be both exciting and scary to bring changes into your life, especially when it makes others feel inconvenienced or threatened. Don’t expect that your enthusiasm will be shared by everyone around you. Good advice is to practice careful communication. There is no doubt that asking for support can be difficult. But you need your loved ones to make it through your process, and they must know that.

Good luck and happy New Year.

Timi Gustafson R.D. is a clinical dietitian and author of the book “The Healthy Diner – How to Eat Right and Still Have Fun”®, available in bookstores, at and at You can also follow Timi on Twitter at