Unhailoed to play Chihuahua’s in Auburn Aug. 8

Auburn metal band Unhailoed will headline a four-band show at 8 p.m. Aug. 8 at Chihuahua’s at 4202 Auburn Way N. in Auburn. The show is free and will feature Helles, Jam King and Rastasdo Vaticano as well as Unhailoed. This show is 21 and older.

Also on tap for Unhailoed is a 4 p.m. Aug. 15 show at Seafarer’s at 3878 Center St. in Tacoma with The FunkyJahPunkys, Age oV Reason and Edge of Oblivion. Admission is $5 for the all ages show.

Unhailoed will also play El Corazon on Aug. 16 with H.M.P., Sword of Judgment, Rattlehead, and Devastator. This show is all ages, bar with I.D. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door.

For more information visit www.myspace.com/unhailoed.