Up with People, Auburn Rotary Club present Voices | Meet the cast

Voices – Up With People's latest production – comes to the Auburn Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

For the Reporter

Voices – Up With People’s latest production – comes to the Auburn Performing Arts Center at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

The performance features original and popular music, a dynamic blend of feature soloists, full-cast production numbers, fast-moving choreography and colorful costumes.

Voices is inspired and motivated by recent worldwide events and features medleys of popular music, international music and of course, Up with People original music.

Long before “Glee”, “American Idol” and “High School Musical”, Up with People created the genre of high-energy entertainment performed by an ensemble of talented young people from throughout the world. The show is an international collaboration of music, dance and genuine energy with a message of hope and goodwill across nations.

General admission is $20.

Proceeds support Rotary Club-backed local charities.

To order tickets are to acquire more information, visit www.upwithpeople.org/auburn.



Name: Ina Helen Brubakken

Age: 23

Country: Norway

What are you looking forward to the mot while in the Seattle area?

Experience a big American city, meet new people and see the coast.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

We are different, but the same.

What’s one thing people should know about you?

I love snow.


Name: Carlos Nieto

Age: 19

Country: Mexico

What are you looking forward to the most while in the Seattle area?

To learn from the culture as much as possible and share the best of me.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

Friendship and how to be my self.

What is one thing people should know about you?

Maybe the way I see the world and how I go through things and I’m always trying to get better with myself so I keep an open mind.


Name: Kelly FitzGerald

Age: 18

Country: USA (New York)

What are you looking forward to the most while in the Seattle area?

I look forward to the cultural experience of Washington. After learning of all the unique things that have developed in Seattle, I can’t stop thinking about being able to experience the history firsthand. I certainly love Starbucks and miss city life very much. The majority of our tour through the U.S. will take us to cities in rural areas. Although these places are beautiful, I miss the excitement and business of a city. The other prime reason I am excited to visit Seattle is because of the people. In a workshop with Up with People, we were encouraged to “Make places faces,” meaning create your own thoughts about certain places based on first hand relationships rather than stereotypes and news. The people that I have met in the cast from Seattle are such wonderful individuals that I look forward to seeing more.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

One important thing I have learned through Up with People is to enjoy every moment of life. Unfortunately, many individuals get so caught up in fulfilling a certain role within society that they forget to live for themselves and for others. I feel so honored to be able to help out so many individuals through community service projects and see the smiles on their faces after making such a difference in their lives. I also believe you must live for yourself. A major reason I joined Up with People is for the opportunity that it gave me to travel and experience the world. It is rare that one is given the opportunity to travel due to a myriad of reasons, so I strongly believe that whenever you get the chance, you should take it. Life is too short to put aside your dreams!

What is one thing people should know about you?

One thing people should know about me is that I love nature. Sometimes I get very annoyed with the abundance of technology in our world because it destroys a lot of personal interaction that once existed a long time ago. I love to go for walks, kayak, spend time on the water, hike, and interact with animals. It is very relaxing and fulfilling.


Name: Yinjun “Elaine” Shen

Age: 21

Country: China

What are you looking forward to the mot while in the Seattle area?

The unique scenery of the West Coast.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

Always be positive, open-minded and grateful.

What’s one thing people should know about you?

I prefer the challenging experiences and love to be inspired anytime.


Name: Brian Simmonds

Age: 20

Country: Seattle

What are you looking forward to the mot while in the Seattle area?

I look forward to impact the community I live in.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

I learned that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to.

What’s one thing people should know about you?

I’m out going and always love learning and meeting new people.


Name: Helen Conzemius

Age: 18

Country: USA

What are you looking forward to the mot while in the Seattle area?

I am looking forward to just being in Seattle and seeing the space needle cause I have never been to Seattle.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

I have learned how a like people can be even though they may live half way across the world from you.

What’s one thing people should know about you?

One thing people should know about me is that I’m not afraid to be my self.


Name: Mie Manferrari

Age: 22

Country: Italy

What are you looking forward to the most while in the Seattle area?

I’m really excited to come to Seattle because I saw a lot of movies so I would love to see Seattle from real. I really want to learn the culture and values of people living in Seattle trough my host family.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

I learned to understand people, with different culture, religions and backgrounds so I can be more open minded and understand why people act in different ways than me.

What is one thing people should know about you?

I love to be part of a team and I’ll always do my best for my team. I’m really happy to have chosen and worked really hard to join UWP because it is the most hard and beautiful thing that I’ve done for myself. It has only been a month that I’m in this cast but I’m growing a lot.


Name: Lorena Diaz B

Age: 19

Country: Mexico

What are you looking forward to the most while in the Seattle area?

I want to go to the first Starbucks ever! And I also want to know tons of cool facts about Seattle because I’ve never been there before.

What is one thing you have learned so far during your time with Up with People?

To dance with the circumstances, definitely.

What is one thing people should know about you?

I love to travel alone, I think it’s a whole different situation because you are on your own and that makes you more extroverted but more responsible as well.