The Sound Transit board adjusted its plans Aug. 5 to move forward with improvements across the region including at Auburn Station.
The plans recently adopted by the board prioritize improvements to Auburn Station. A parking garage and accessibility at the station are the main improvements Sound Transit is planning to make.
A rise in real estate value and costs of construction created a $6.5 billion affordability gap. In order to move forward with their project plans, the Sound Transit board had to adjust timelines and prioritize some projects over others, according to the transit agency.
Sound Transit plans to build a new parking garage with 500 spots near the station to make commuting easier.
“The existing garage fills up quickly in the morning. This project will add additional parking for Sounder commuters who arrive at this station in their car,” said Scott Thompson, Sound Transit’s public information officer. “For those taking a bus, walking or biking to the station, these improvements will make those trips safer and more convenient.”
The parking and non-motorized improvements in Auburn are expected to cost $113 million, but that figure could change slightly once Sound Transit procures a contractor for the project, Thompson said.
Despite Auburn Station being a priority, 2025 is the earliest the transit agency expects the project to be complete. Sound Transit expects to have a contractor hired by 2023, and expects to begin construction that year.
Sound Transit will seek public comment on the design of the improvements later this year.
New bike lockers at the Sounder station and bus shelters for King County Metro stops are also included in the planned improvements, Thompson said.
The new parking garage will be a few blocks away from the station, so construction won’t interfere with any services, Thompson said.