AJ welcomes Red Ribbon rally

Students and staff at Arthur Jacobsen Elementary School joined local, regional and federal law enforcement authorities Wednesday in a celebration and recognition of the Drug Enforcement Administration‘s Red Ribbon Anti-Drug Campaign.

Arthur Jacobsen was one of only two schools in the greater Seattle area selected to host the event.

A celebratory parade kicked off the event, followed by a flyover by a DEA helicopter and a school-wide assembly.

David Rose from “Washington’s Most Wanted” served as emcee.

The National Red Ribbon Week commemorates DEA Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Agent Camarena was abducted, tortured and brutally murdered in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1985. Agent Camarena sacrificed his life in the fight against drugs. The communities across the country and the nation rallied behind a campaign, which served as a reminder of the harm caused by drugs.

The campaign expressed the need for anti-drug programs and allowed the dedicated actions of Americans to show their opposition to drugs. The campaign became known as the National Red Ribbon Week.