As a board member of the Auburn Valley Humane Society, I was perplexed by what I read in the Reporter. A letter to the editor, “Setting the record straight on AVHS”, (June 14) was printed. Reading it, I could not figure out why someone would attack the AVHS and Councilmember John Partridge’s work that helped move this organization forward.
The letter begins with a negative tone as it states that Partridge is pushing the idea that he is responsible for the AVHS success. I have followed the mayoral race and I don’t remember ever hearing Mr. Partridge say he was the only reason for the success of the organization. In fact, I’m surprised Mr. Partridge hasn’t campaigned on the issue.
This public/private partnership is a great example of the City and local businesses working together to keep costs down and increase service. Even if he won’t say it, as a charter board member of the AVHS, I will. Councilman Partridge was instrumental in the vision and bringing together all parties involved in the creation of the AVHS.
The letter then attacks AVHS financing. It states that after six months, not enough pet licenses have been sold to make the AVHS self-sufficient. While it is our goal that licensing fees will eventually make the AVHS self-sufficient, Gene Cerino failed to mention the “true cost comparison” – our locally ran AVHS versus King County Animal Control. When the two programs were compared by staff in a report dated Aug. 26, 2011, it was projected that in 2013 and 2014 the AVHS would save the City $588,994. This is well above the license fee revenue.
As I finished reading, it became clear to me why this negative letter was written. I saw that former Councilmember Gene Cerino was the author. Gene was defeated by John four years ago for council and is also a supporter of one of his opponents for mayor.
It is really too bad that the AVHS gets brought up like this. It is a great organization and an example of what can happen when citizens, government and local businesses get together to better our community. I would encourage everyone to come by the shelter on A Street Southeast and see what a great group we have working down here.
– Reed Astley