Auburn Citizens for Schools wins regional WASA Community Recognition Award

Auburn Citizens for Schools (ACS) was selected as the regional winner of the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Community Recognition Award during a ceremony Friday at the Puget Sound Educational Service District.

For the Reporter

Auburn Citizens for Schools (ACS) was selected as the regional winner of the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) Community Recognition Award during a ceremony Friday at the Puget Sound Educational Service District.

The Auburn School District nominated ACS for the award based on its community leadership and outstanding contributions to education.

For over three decades, ACS has been instrumental in supporting quality education in Auburn schools by passing critical bonds and levies. Last year alone, ACS helped successfully pass two school district measures: a $146.4 million educational programs 4-year levy and a $110 million Auburn High School modernization and reconstruction bond. The levy passed with a 58-percent simple majority and the bond passed with a 62-percent supermajority.

According to Deputy Superintendent Mike Newman, “The Auburn Citizens for Schools has been phenomenal in their support of our kids in the Auburn School District. A lot of experts believed the district had strayed too far from conventional wisdom in running a $110 million bond issue at the same time as a presidential election. The Auburn Citizens for Schools was the catalyst for passing the bond and changing the future for students in the Auburn School District.”

ACS is composed of a dedicated group of volunteer citizens, parents and staff members. Guided by an executive committee, ACS members develop and implement multiple campaign strategies including fund raising, message development, and outreach activities.

Over the years ACS has raised thousands of dollars through annual charity auctions and staff donations. In 2012 ACS raised new revenue streams by developing a direct mail fundraising campaign.

According to ACS treasurer Kelly McDonald, “There are strong expressions of goodwill throughout our community … it was very satisfying to see students, staff and parents support the measures despite uncertain economic times.”

ACS also led strategic messaging. The communications subcommittee published op-eds, created print and online ads, organized literature drops, and even reached more supporters online using social media.

Additionally, ACS raised public awareness by organizing a variety of outreach activities at Auburn’s Good Ol’ Days Parade, Kids Day, Fourth of July, PTA meetings, and meet and greets. ACS recruited and mobilized more volunteers than ever before — including students, businesses and retirees — to sign wave, pass out literature, and even record voice-overs for the “remember to vote” phone calls.

“Auburn Citizens for Schools brings clarity, focus and connection to the district’s bond and levy initiatives. Our partnership with ACS increases understanding of our critical measures community-wide,” Newman said.