Auburn Police responded to the following calls for service, among many others, between Jan. 28 and Feb. 2
Jan. 28
CPS Referral: 9:42 p.m., Auburn Way South. Police investigated a CPS referral of an undisclosed sort.
Controlled substance: 10 a.m., 31400 block of 106th PL SE: Police arrested a him and a her for sundry drug-related wrongdoings, bad but undisclosed.
Burglary: 2731 Academy Drive SE. A burglar or burglars hit a business.
Shoplifting: 5:20 p.m., 1111 17th St. SE. An unknown woman shoplifted items.
Shoplifting: 7 p.m., 1101 Outlet Collection Way SW. A man stole two cellphones from an undisclosed business at the Outlet Collection Mall.
Jan. 30
Warrant arrest: 11:04 a.m.,102 15th St. NE. Police arrested a man on an outside agency warrant in the course of investigating a customer dispute at a hotel.
Recovered stolen truck: 10:41 a.m., 762 Outlet Collection Drive SW. Police recovered a stolen truck at Walmart.
Purse theft: 6:38 p.m., 2 Auburn Way N. H&R Block reported the theft of a purse.
Feb. 2
Theft: Overnight, 30600 block of 120th Court Southeast. A resident reported the theft of several items from his vehicles, among them, a Taurus 9mm pistol.
Theft: 1:31 p.m., 31500 block of 117th Place Southeast. From a vehicle, some thieving so-and-so took property belonging to another, to which the aggrieved party objected most strenuously.