Auburn police to be out in full force on the 4th

If it goes up or blows up, Auburn police are fond of repeating this time of year, it is illegal in City limits.

If it goes up or blows up, Auburn police are fond of repeating this time of year, it is illegal in City limits.

But just in case somebody fails to get that message or disagrees with it, police are again planning to be out and about in force again July 4.

“I asked the Muckleshoot Tribe for the second year in a row not to do fireworks, and they again denied my request,” Auburn Police Commander Steve Stocker said, provoking laughter at a recent meeting of the City’s Municipal Service Committee.

Last year, Stocker told the committee, the City put 63 police officers on the street. This year there will be 62, including Stocker and six sergeants. A group of officers will do duty at the fireworks stands on the Muckleshoot Reservation that day, with 26 officers working fireworks emphasis on the streets.

Police hope to do one better than 2010, when the biggest problem was clogged traffic on Auburn Way South, Stocker said.

“That’s the main issue that we hope to fix this year is getting the cars in and out of the fireworks stands, and that’s what clogged up the streets,” Stocker said.

Police Chief Bob Lee said that 2010 was one of the most successful in recent years. He said “arrests were down, and complaints were down. The economy might be working in our favor this year.”

Mayor Pete Lewis said the City needs people to be its eyes and ears.

“Unless you’re willing to call 911, there’s no problem, there must not be a problem, because nobody’s calling,” Lewis said. “One of the biggest problems we have is that everybody thinks that police know that the fireworks are out there. But this is a city full of trees. If you’re driving around on the flat in the midst of a bunch of trees, you can be two blocks away and you can’t see it.

“… Police will know that somewhere in the valley somebody is setting off fireworks, but until somebody actually calls, they don’t know where,” Lewis added.

Stocker said the Valley Regional Fire Authority will have a truck available on July 4 to help police confiscate fireworks.

On other matters, the City invites everybody to celebrate the country’s birthday at Les Gove Park. The event includes a noon bike parade, various entertainment on two stages, a kids craft corner, an arts and craft grove with more than 50 artists, a car show, eight inflatable rides, a rock wall, euro-bungy trampolines and other fun activities for children. The event also offers bingo, mini golf, bocce and food concessions.