Auburn readies brooms for Clean Sweep

The City of Auburn is looking for volunteers eager to tackle jobs from pruning to trash pick up to painting during the 2009 Clean Sweep project on Sunday, May 9.

Focusing on major clean-up and beautification efforts in different areas throughout the city, volunteer groups will paint over graffiti-defaced walls to make them a single color, clean highway on-and-off ramps and work on beautification efforts along the Interurban Trail and at Veterans Memorial Park.

City officials are asking service clubs, social service agencies faith-based groups, scouting troops. business and individuals to work side-by-side to help with the different projects.

There will be 32 Clean Sweep Projects in all, among them the following:

•Pruning and general beautification, Highway 18/C Street Southwest Storm pond area

•Paint Highway 18 retaining wall along 8th Street

•Prune blackberry bushes along landscape area and pick up litter along the Interurban Trails from the south boundary line to 15th Street Southwest.

Volunteers should bring tools based on their volunteer assignment — to be determined at registration — gardening or work gloves, and a broom for the ceremonial sweep along the sidewalks of Main Street. Volunteers should wear t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats or other clothing that identifies their group.

The City will provide breakfast, instruction sheets for each project site, garbage bags and Dumpsters for debris.

The 2009 Clean Sweep project begins at City Hall at 7:30 a.m. with group registration and a pancake breakfast prepared by Kiwanis Club of Auburn. Volunteers will then take part in the ceremonial sweep at 8:30 a.m. , followed by the collective project at various sites throughout Auburn starting at 9 a.m.

To volunteer or for additional information, visit the City’s website at, call (253) 931-3043 or e-mail