Auburn Regional Medical Center has been certified by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of HealthCare Organizations as a Primary Stroke Center.
Certification is based on the fulfillment of a number of requirements indicating that the organization is especially competent at caring for patients who are experiencing strokes.
“It is an important achievement for us because we have realized our goal of becoming a vital resource to our community in this way,” said Steve Patonai, ARMC CEO Steve Patonai. “Rapid treatment of strokes is critical to prevent extensive long-term complications.”
Auburn Regional has assembled a team of highly skilled medical professionals- including emergency physicians, surgeons, neurologists, nurses, therapists, laboratory and pharmacy staff, radiologists and other staff who have direct interactions with patients. They have been specially trained to respond quickly and completely to the needs of a stroke patient or a patient who is presenting with the symptoms of stroke.
When a patient comes to Auburn with symptoms of a stroke, these measures are available:
• A trained stroke team ready 24/7 to evaluate the stroke patient.
• Patients are evaluated and treated using a uniform and extensive set of guidelines that address both emergency treatment and ongoing care.
• A head CT scan or brain MRI scan can be performed and interpreted.
• A fully-functioning medical laboratory is open 24/7.
• A neurosurgeon is available if needed.
Auburn Regional also treats any underlying problems that may be the cause of the stroke, such as vascular disease and atherosclerosis. The hospital uses the latest advances in stroke care, ranging from clot-busting drugs to improved techniques for vascular surgery. A dedicated stroke nurse coordinates the care of stroke patients and the hospital keeps the surrounding community informed and educated about early warning signs and symptoms of stroke.