Auburn Reporter earns WNPA honors

The Auburn Reporter came away with several top honors at the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association's Better Newspaper Contest as announced at the organization's128th annual convention in Everett on Oct. 8-10.

The Auburn Reporter came away with several top honors at the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association’s Better Newspaper Contest as announced at the organization’s128th annual convention in Everett on Oct. 8-10.

The Reporter finished second for General Excellence for Group IV (circulation of 12,501 and up). The Port Orchard Independent was first.

Robert Whale took first place for Best Business Feature Story on Sun Break Café’s installation of solar panels and was second for Best Business News Story on the closing of the Green River Music store.

Mark Klaas, editor, was third for Best General Feature Story, Short on MultiCare Health System’s Nurse Camp.

Photographer Rachel Ciampi was second for Color Feature Photo, “Flags on the fly”, showing Terry Thomas, representing the 30th District Republicans, waving an array of flags during the Pacific Days Parade.

The Kansas Press Association judged 1,076 news, 349 photography and 45 general excellence entries from 58 newspapers in four circulation groups.