Auburn utilities

What is going on with the utility rates in Auburn?

What is going on with the utility rates in Auburn?

The “city” needs to respond to its constituents as to the drastic increase in utility rates. I know that most of these increases were made during the King Pete era, but an explanation is needed.

Comparing 2007 with 2015, increases in rates: water-base rate increased 93 percent, City sewer plus 141 percent, stormwater plus 67 percent, water consumption rates plus 66 percent. My comparative utility bills from 2007 ($83) to 2015 ($139) is an increase of 67 percent.

Now, my water doesn’t look any better, even through rose-colored glasses, and it’s starting to taste a little like lemon. The solution: A vast increase in “brown” lawns this summer. Lookin’ good, Auburn.

– Jim Mondt