Auburn volunteers go to work in Earth Day celebration

Volunteers moved dirt, brushed away debris, pulled weeds, cleaned sidewalks and made way for a new neighborhood playground in celebration of Earth Day.

Reporter staff

Volunteers moved dirt, brushed away debris, pulled weeds, cleaned sidewalks and made way for a new neighborhood playground in celebration of Earth Day.

It was all part of Clean Sweep on Saturday – one of Auburn’s largest volunteer efforts of the year.

The community-wide volunteer effort focused on major cleanup, environmental restoration and beautification efforts in different areas throughout the city. Volunteer groups works on general cleanup, landscaping, planting, weeding and other projects at various parks, Auburn’s Environmental Park, trails and other sites.

One of the largest volunteer needs was the rebuilding, landscaping and surfacing of a new playground at Isaac Evans Park. The city received a $15,000 Let’s Play Grant from KaBOOM and the Dr Pepper Snapple Group to help fund the new playground.

The Clean Sweep project kicked off at City Hall with group registration and a pancake breakfast prepared by Kiwanis Club of Auburn. Volunteers then participated in a ceremonial clean sweep down Main Street.