The South Division Street Promenade Project construction is well under way.
Mayor Pete Lewis is pleased with the progress.
“Through the efforts of the Auburn City Council, staff and key public and private partners, the City was able to obtain federal and state funds to pay for all of these improvements without costs to the citizens of Auburn,” Lewis said.
Officials hope to have the project completed by spring.
So far, the project’s construction has:
• Relocated utilities out of alleyways between 1st Street SW/SE and 2nd Street SW/SE to remove infrastructure barriers to redevelopment of adjoining property.
• Reopened 1st Street SW/SE on Oct. 24 ahead of schedule with a newly paved road section and upgraded underground utilities.
• 2nd Street SW/SE is scheduled to reopen at end of December, weather permitting, and also will have new pavement and underground utilities
Upcoming improvements will be:
• The installation of new sidewalks along South Division Street beginning in early December 2011 that will vary from 10 feet to 20 feet in width with concrete pavers to form a decorative grid pattern with installation.
• A new decorative traffic signal will be installed at West Main Street and South Division Street that coordinates with the City’s Downtown Pedestrian Lighting Standards. The traffic signal is scheduled for delivery on Dec. 12 and will be installed shortly after delivery.
• Fabrication has begun on the ornamental gateway arch at the intersection of 3rd Street SW and South Division Street that will greet visitors that enter into downtown Auburn.
“The South Division Street Promenade Project is a major investment by the city of Auburn to upgrade streets, sidewalks and utilities to help facilitate the redevelopment of adjacent City blocks,” Lewis said. “When completed, the Promenade Project will give developers, residents, and businesses another compelling reason to invest in downtown Auburn.”