For the Reporter
Auburn’s Rachael Everson has accepted an apprenticeship for the 2016-17 season with the Actors Theatre of Louisville (Ky.) Professional Training Company.
Everson is a graduate of Western Washington University with a bachelor of arts degree in theatre and English and concentrations in creative writing, dramatic writing and acting. She pursued her interest in arts administration through multiple internships in the Seattle area.
She has volunteered as a teaching artist at the Shanti Bhavan Children’s project in Tamil Nadu, India, is a founding company member of Wanderlost Laboratory Theatre in Seattle, and a volunteer/supporter of Artists Striving to End Poverty.
For the past 45 years, Actors Theatre of Louisville invites the most talented and highly motivated early-career theatre professionals in the nation to undertake a nine-month long training program that combines hands-on practical experience with educational seminars and professional guidance.
Actors Theatre’s Professional Training Company is one of the oldest pre-professional training programs in the nation, and has built an incredible legacy of supporting the long-term vitality of American theatre through the mentorship and fostering of the best forthcoming talent in the field.