Auburn’s Game Farm Park awaits animal invasion: Petpalooza to be unleashed Saturday

Pets of all sizes, descriptions and personalities will prowl Game Farm Park on Saturday in a special event fit for Fido and friends.

Pets of all sizes, descriptions and personalities will prowl Game Farm Park on Saturday in a special event fit for Fido and friends.

Auburn celebrates its third annual Petpalooza, a popular event for pet lovers and their cherished companions. The free award-winning event, presented by the Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation Department, will take place at the park, 3030 R St. SE in Auburn. Activities will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., featuring a noon pet parade.

The day starts off at 9:30 a.m. with the 3K Dog Trot Fun Run on a course that is flat, easy and enjoyable for all ages.

The fun in the park includes an animal-related entertainment stage, Skyhoundz Disc Dog Championships, a petting zoo, the “Unleashed” pet contests, face painting, agility area, sides and inflatable rides.

A record 150 vendors will display their products as well as food and drinks and giveaways.

Along with the pet parade, the Main Stage entertainment will feature Roving Reptiles, Valentine’s Performing Pigs, The Parrot Lady and more surprises.

For more event information call 253-931-3043 or and click on Community Calendar.

About the Dog Trot

Dog Trot is a family-oriented fun run/walk event that takes place in conjunction with Petpalooza. New this year is the addition of a 5K route. Participants may choose between the 3K or the 5K routes.

Awards will be distributed to the top participant in six age groups – child (8 and under); tween (9-12 years); teen (13-19); adult I (20-35); adult II (36-54) and senior (55-over).

Participants may register at the Parks, Arts & Recreation Office, 910 Ninth Street SE, fax to 253-931-4005 or mail to 910 Ninth Street SE, Auburn, WA 98002. The registration form and complete event rules/information are listed on the city’s Web site,