Brayden Garcia, an eighth-grade student from Seattle Christian School, recently spent a week working as a page for the state Senate at the Capitol in Olympia.
Sen. Joe Fain, R-Auburn sponsored Garcia. Fain represents Auburn, Kent, Covington, Federal Way and Renton in the state Senate.
The Senate Page Program is an opportunity for Washington students to spend a week working in the Legislature. Students are responsible for transporting documents between offices, as well as delivering messages and mail. Pages spend time in the Senate chamber and attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Students also draft their own bills and engage in a mock session.
“This was a really good opportunity for me to get closer to the government, and to learn more hands-on stuff than you can learn in school,” Garcia said when asked about why he applied to the Senate Page Program.
Garcia, 14, enjoys playing football, basketball, baseball and lacrosse.
He is the son of Susan and Scott Garcia of Auburn.
Students interested in the Senate Page Program are encouraged to visit