Auburn’s Todd receives volunteer honors from Washington State University

Charles "Chuck" F. Todd of Auburn is among four of Washington State University's standout volunteers recognized during the closing session of the WSU Foundation's annual meeting in Pullman on Sept. 7.

Charles “Chuck” F. Todd of Auburn is among four of Washington State University’s standout volunteers recognized during the closing session of the WSU Foundation’s annual meeting in Pullman on Sept. 7.

He received the Outstanding Service Award for his philanthropy and volunteer services to the University.

Todd has volunteered 31 years of service to WSU’s 4-H Youth Development Program in addition to his personal support. He has served as a mentor, organizer, and chaperone in many youth programs offered by WSU. Todd also co-authored the first nationally juried and published 4-H computer curriculum.

Other volunteers receiving the 2012 honor are Lorie J. Dankers of Bellevue and Jim McFerson, Ph.D. of Wenatchee. Jay F. Brunner, Ph.D. of Wenatchee has received a Faculty/Staff Outstanding Service Award.

Each year through its Outstanding Service Awards, the WSU Foundation recognizes those persons who inspire the wider university community through their exemplary service. Through their support, they help to advance The Campaign for Washington State University: Because the World Needs Big Ideas – a $1 billion comprehensive fundraising effort that will increase support for WSU’s students, faculty, research, and outreach programs worldwide.