Auburn’s WRVM unveils historic household lace exhibit

White River Valley Museum honors the art and history of making lace with "Household Lace Adds Charm to Your Place: An Exhibit of Historic Bed, Bath, Table and Kitchen Lace." The exhibit is now open and runs through Aug. 1.

White River Valley Museum honors the art and history of making lace with “Household Lace Adds Charm to Your Place: An Exhibit of Historic Bed, Bath, Table and Kitchen Lace.” The exhibit is now open and runs through Aug. 1.

Although lace has a place in fashion history, it has also been used for centuries throughout the world as trim on household linens, to decorate furniture and to adorn church altars.

“Historically, lace in the home often added more than charm. It also hinted at the homeowner’s place in society,” said Patricia Cosgrove, director of the White River Valley Museum.

The technique used to make the lace, the level of intricacy in the design and even the region where the lace was made spoke volumes for the homes of nobility, Cosgrove said.

Cosgrove also pointed out that like quilting, lace-making has its roots in women’s history. Once considered a secret trade of nuns, lace-making evolved in women’s history when it became a way for maidens to make an acceptable living.

“Household Lace Adds Charm to Your Place” is sponsored by International Old Lacers, Inc. (IOLI) and the Lace Arts Council for Education (LACE). The exhibit is timed to coincide with the 57th IOLI Convention, “Cascades of Lace,” taking place July 25 – 31 in Portland, OR. LACE members Nancy Evans and Pauline Pierre are the exhibit’s guest curators.

More lace events

Unless otherwise noted, events are $2 adults and $1 seniors/children. All events include museum admission.

• Family Day: Amazing Lace, June 12, noon to 4 p.m.

Explore the proprieties of lace and linens at this family friendly open house. Discover proper napkin folding techniques, table manners, historic laundering practices and more.

• Seminar: Home Care for Your Household Linens, July 10, 1 to 4 p.m.

Nancy Evans will lead a hands-on seminar about caring for lace and linens at home. Learn practical tips on stain removal, tear repair, and how to block and pin a doily. Participants are encouraged to bring pieces from home for consultation. $15 per person, pre-registration required. Call 253-288-7439.

About the White River Valley Museum

The White River Valley Museum is a partnership with the City of Auburn and combines history and culture to create an exciting and educational experience for visitors. Museum collections focus on Puget Sound history, Northwest Indian culture, Japanese immigration and the Northern Pacific Railroad.

The White River Valley Museum is the best local history museum in the state according to the 2007 Washington State Visitors Guide.

The museum is open Wednesday through Sunday, noon to 4 p.m. and located at 918 H St. S.E. in Auburn. Admission is $2 adults, $1 seniors/children, and free on Wednesdays and the fourth Sunday of the month. Call 253-288-7433 for event information or visit