Boot Camp to support Auburn Food Bank; first session Saturday

Mad Dog Boot Camp Fitness offers free fitness boot camps to support the Auburn Food Bank on selected Saturdays through August.

Mad Dog Boot Camp Fitness offers free fitness boot camps to support the Auburn Food Bank on selected Saturdays through August.

The free camp runs 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Chinook Elementary playground, 3502 Auburn Way S. The first of 11 camps is this Saturday, March 17.

Your only requirement to attend is to donate at least one canned or boxed food, baby products, or hygiene/personal care products for the cause. Organic products welcome.

Free camps are offered every other Saturday: April 14, 28; May 12, 26; June 9, 23; July 14, 28; Aug. 11, 25.

For more information, call 253-736-5740. Mad Dog Boot Camp Fitness can be found on Facebook.


Suggested donations:

• Peanut butter (plastic jars)

• Canned corn, canned green beans

• Canned chili, canned beans (red, black, pinto)

• Canned fruit

• Canned soup

• Canned or dry milk

• All juices (low sugar preferred)

• Beef stew

• Canned tuna

• Tomato juice

• Boxed macaroni and Cheese, boxed crackers

• Baby food, diapers

• Hygiene and personal products