Community forum seeks public comments on superintendent search

The Auburn School District Board of Directors host a community forum on Monday, March 30 to gather public comments on the search for a new superintendent.

For the Reporter

The Auburn School District Board of Directors host a community forum on Monday, March 30 to gather public comments on the search for a new superintendent.

The forum is from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the James P. Fugate Administration Building, 915 Fourth St. N.

Superintendent Kip Herren is retiring effective July 1.

Staff from the Puget Sound Educational Service District in Renton will facilitate the forum.

Community members, parents and staff are encouraged to attend and provide input on the qualities and priorities for Auburn’s next superintendent.

“This is an excellent opportunity for the community to provide input on who will lead our district for the next chapter in our district’s future,” said school board president Carol Seng.

The superintendent position opens April 6. The school board plans to vote at the June 8 board meeting to fill the position.

For more information, please contact the Puget Sound ESD at 425-917-7600 or call 253-931-4900.