Concert raises $10,000 for Auburn student

The recent Breath of Aire Concert for Cullen raised about $10,000 for the 11-year-old Kent boy and Auburn student who a heart and double-lung transplant.

The recent Breath of Aire Concert for Cullen raised about $10,000 for the 11-year-old Kent boy and Auburn student who a heart and double-lung transplant.

Breath of Aire, an 80-member coral group, performed. The choir’s director, Dr. Bayard DuBois, invited Cullen and his brother Aiden to assist him in directing a couple songs.

The April 1 benefit was at Kent First Church of the Nazarene.

To date, the community has raised $65,000 for the Steele family through the Children’s Organ Transplant Association. More donations are needed to reach the goal of $75,000 for transplant-related expenses for the family.

COTA is a national charity dedicated to organizing and guiding communities in raising funds for transplant-needy patients.

Cullen was diagnosed with pulmonary atrial hypertension, and doctors at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., recommended a life-saving heart and double lung transplant.

For more information about the COTA program, contact Amy O’Donnell-Riley, community coordinator for COTA, at 253-333-1755 or

To make an online donation, visit