Crews to begin work on West Valley Highway

Construction activities on the Auburn Arterial Pavement Patching Project will begin Aug. 11 on West Valley Highway between 11th Street NW and 15th Street NW. Construction will continue through Aug. 15 (See map: Work hours will be from

Construction activities on the Auburn Arterial Pavement Patching Project will begin Aug. 11 on West Valley Highway between 11th Street NW and 15th Street NW. Construction will continue through Aug. 15 (See map: Work hours will be from

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. One lane will remain open

to allow traffic through the work areas at all times, but delays during the work times could be significant. It is necessary to close traffic lanes to safely and efficiently repair the damaged pavement within the work area. Delays should be expected. Alternate routes are strongly advised.