Freeman seeks reelection to the state House

Roger Freeman announced today that he will seek a second term to the state House of Representatives in the 30th Legislative District.

For the Reporter

Roger Freeman announced today that he will seek a second term to the state House of Representatives in the 30th Legislative District.

“It has been an honor to serve the people of the 30th District. It’s been a fantastic experience to work on behalf of ordinary citizens and get things done on their behalf,” Freeman said. “When I ran for the Legislature two years ago, I said I wanted to be an advocate for regular people in Olympia and that’s exactly what I’ve tried to do.”

Freeman hosted several casual town hall meetings around the district to hear from citizens on issues they would like to see addressed by the Legislature.

“One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is getting around the district and listening,” Freeman said. “The average citizen doesn’t have a high-priced lobbyist they can send down to the Legislature, but they have me and I take that responsibility seriously.”

Some of Freeman’s legislative accomplishments include securing job-creation money to help build the Performing Arts and Conference Center in Federal Way’s downtown business core, a community center in Algona for senior and youth programs, important repairs to the senior/activity center and police department in Milton, and important updates to Triangle Park to help people with disabilities.

Supporting first responders also has been a major focus for Freeman. Last session, he passed legislation to ensure firefighters and police officers who are catastrophically injured in the line of duty receive the necessary ongoing medical treatment that they deserve and this session he is working for tough new penalties for drivers who put the public at risk by eluding police.

The past months have not come without a few bumps in the road, however. Early last year, Freeman was diagnosed with cancer and has undergone aggressive treatment while performing his duties in the House.

“No one wants to hear that news, but I have emerged as a stronger and better person because of it,” Freeman said. “The well wishes and prayers from family, friends and community members were awe-inspiring. I am well along the road to recovery and I am thankful to God and the people of the 30th District for helping me through this difficult time. I will pay them back 10-fold by working hard and standing up for them in the Legislature.”

Freeman has worked as an attorney in King County for the last 19 years. He is a former Federal Way City Councilmember and Human Services commissioner. Roger and his wife Sonya have two children attending Federal Way schools.