They came to Algona when it essentially was nothing more than a small outpost, bought a home and stayed awhile.
Fifty years later, Charles “Ben” and Nila Benson remain in the same home, surrounded by a sprouting garden and plenty of good neighbors.
They often wonder: Where did the time go?
“Much has changed,” said Ben, glancing out at his back yard. “There wasn’t much back then (in 1959).
“We were broken into five times because no one was around here,” he said. “We had to get an alarm system.”
But it soon became a comfortable place to establish roots and raise a family.
“It’s a little bit country with Auburn close by,” said Nila, 88, who was born and raised in the Green River Valley.
The Bensons survived the transition and lean times to forge productive lives.
“We could complain, but who would listen?” said Ben, who has maintained his sense of humor while in the twilight of his life at 90. “It’s had its pitfalls, but we’ve had a good life.”
A native of South Dakota and a World War II veteran, Ben came from humble beginnings. He came up from California and worked as a mechanic for Boeing.
He met Nila in Seattle.
“He was making 62½ cents an hour. My mom told me to snag him,” Nila said.
They soon were married at Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn. They will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Sunday.
The Bensons became a hard-working, productive family.
They established Auburn’s first full-service laundromat, located at First and South Division Streets.
Nila worked making airplane parts before retiring as a homemaker in 1974.
Ben, a pilot, worked as a mechanic for Rohr Industries after leaving the laundry business. He retired in 1981.
“I was a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none,” Ben said.
They enjoyed the outdoors and traveled to all but five states. They have volunteered their time to many causes.
The Bensons raised a son and two daughters. They have three grandchildren, five great grandchildren and plenty of great memories.
“We’ve had a good life,” Nila said.