Gering becomes 78th Eagle from Auburn Troop 401

Mitchell Gering was awarded his Eagle rank from Auburn Troop 401 on May 4 at the First United Methodist Church in Auburn. Gering has been involved in scouting for more than 12 years and now serves as president of Venture Crew 401.

For the Reporter

Mitchell Gering was awarded his Eagle rank from Auburn Troop 401 on May 4 at the First United Methodist Church in Auburn.

Gering has been involved in scouting for more than 12 years and now serves as president of Venture Crew 401.

He has achieved much throughout his Scouting career, including 27 merit badges and the World Scouting Award. He served as patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader twice, and vice president and president of Venture Crew 401.

Gering also attended Philmont National Boy Scout Camp where he hiked more than 50 miles in eight days, spent 12 days hiking more than 94 miles on the Wonderland Trail around Mount Rainier,  served more than 300 hours of community service hours and donated his Eagle Project to the Auburn ACAP program.

Gering, a senior at Auburn Mountainview High School, works locally at Wesley Homes Lea Hill and intends to continue giving back to Scouting through Venture Crew and later as an adult.

Gering would like to thank all those who supported him in his quest for Eagle.