Get a jump on better health and fitness | Mind of Mad Dog

For many of you, the idea of 2013 coming around the corner and sticking to a "resolution" is a scary idea.

For many of you, the idea of 2013 coming around the corner and sticking to a “resolution” is a scary idea.

Well, it doesn’t have to be. With a plan, commitment on your part, and having some balance in your life, those New Year’s resolutions can be achieved.

I, too, have struggled and continue to struggle with many commitments or promises I’ve told myself before the New Year.

But I keep it in perspective. I try and go back to what I have taught many of my former soldiers and my current fitness clients: It’s all about balance in life.

When we make a huge resolution, and other things like family or work become as important as our health and fitness, we are faced with prioritizing our commitments. So, what do we do?

Instead of waiting for 2013 to arrive, I recommend getting a jumpstart and doing some planning in advanced.

If you have resolutions, goals, commitments or just want to improve an area of your life that you feel is lacking, try the following steps for success:

1. Write it down. No plan, no resolution, etc. can start without this. Be detailed and show your goals and objective.

2. Be committed. You can do this with by sharing your resolution or goal with others who will hold you accountable. Be willing to do the hard work.

3. Have balance. Keep things in perspective. Make time for your faith, family and friends. If you miss a workout or cheat on your diet, don’t sweat it. Just remember to revert back to your plan and get back on track.

4. Create status checks. Write down results in intervals. Every eight weeks, 12 weeks, etc.

5. Reevaluate or do a control/followup. Do steps 1-4 again.

The key to success for any New Year’s resolution is your commitment. No plan in life, especially when you deal with changing your health and fitness lifestyle, can be successful without a commitment on your part. By adding the accountability partner or “battle buddy,” you are able to stay on track and receive feedback on your progress.

If you follow Mad Dog’s steps of planning, commitment, balance in your life, and reevaluate, you too will reach those goals and succeed with your resolutions in 2013 and years to come.

Tom “Mad Dog” Schneider is the owner and operator of Mad Dog Boot Camp Fitness in Auburn. He conducts Indoor and Outdoor “Real Army Style” Fitness Camps focused on building strength, muscular endurance, and overall cardiovascular training. He is a Certified Army Master Fitness Trainer and Small Group Leader with more than 30 years of combined military and civilian fitness experience. For more information, email or call 253-736-5740.