Auburn Police responded to the following calls for service, among many others, between Nov. 2 and Nov. 8.
Nov. 2
Assault: 5:10 p.m., 25 W. Main St. Police busted a girl for assaulting her boyfriend at Auburn City Hall.
Commercial burglary: 12 a.m., 3840 A St. SE. Some guy burglarized multiple businesses.
Nov. 3
Assault: 7:30 a.m., 3700 block of D Street Southeast. A woman reported a domestic argument.
Trespassing: 5:32 a.m., 5002 D St. NW. TMX Aerospace trespassed a misbehaving man from its premises.
Nov. 5
Trespassing: 2:40 p.m., 1101 Outlet Collection Way SW. Mall security contacted a man and then escorted him off the property. He had been issued a 5-year trespass, but returned to the premises anyway.
Assault: 2:30 p.m., 620 37th St. SE. An assault went down on an Auburn School District bus.
Purse theft: 4:06 p.m., 762 Outlet Collection Drive SW. A female complained that a stranger had stolen her purse while she was shopping at Walmart.
Nov. 6
Assault: 9:10 a.m., 1620 Perimeter Road SW. Someone assaulted a man while he was attending a kids soccer game.
Nov. 7
Felonious theft of vehicle parts: 6 p.m., 1425 Outlet Collection Way SW. Someone cut the catalytic converter from a man’s vehicle while he was patronizing a local business.
Nov. 8
Felonious fraud: 4:55 p.m., 6500 block of Isaac Avenue Southeast. Someone got into a man’s savings account at Chase Bank in recent months and took $30,000 of the guy’s money.
Warrant arrest: 7:11 a.m., 720 block of Auburn Way N. Police busted a man on a truly outstanding arrest.