Groundwater sampling set for streets in Algona

Workers and equipment will visit parts of Algona starting Wednesday, March 27, to prepare to collect underground water samples as part of a continuing investigation into an area of contaminated ground water that originates on property owned by The Boeing Co. in Auburn.

For the Reporter

Workers and equipment will visit parts of Algona starting Wednesday, March 27, to prepare to collect underground water samples as part of a continuing investigation into an area of contaminated ground water that originates on property owned by The Boeing Co. in Auburn.

Groundwater data collected to date show that this contamination does not affect public drinking water sources.

The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) directs the investigation, conducted and paid for by Boeing. The study is one step in determining the location and size of this underground contamination, which includes solvent chemicals, primarily trichloroethene (TCE) and vinyl chloride (VC).

Information from the study will help in planning the cleanup of the groundwater contamination, and help inform affected communities. The data will also help determine the need for additional sampling.

Crews will work in streets and public rights of way in three general areas:

• Most of the work will occur in a 12-block area bounded by Boundary Boulevard on the north, Eighth Avenue, on the south, State Route 167 on the west and Chicago Avenue on the east.

• Between Celery and Chicago avenues, crews will gather one sample mid-block on Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh avenues North and Broadway Boulevard.

• Farther south, one sample is planned at each end of Junction Boulevard and on Washington Boulevard near Second and Third avenues South.

The City of Algona has assisted with arrangements for the sampling and in the selection of sampling locations.

Workers first will conduct surveys and utility-location work. On April 1, truck-mounted drilling machines will begin to bore approximately 50 small holes to collect groundwater samples. Most of these will be five feet deep, with 15- and 25-foot borings planned at some locations.

Safety signs, barricades and fencing will guide vehicles and pedestrians away from active work sites. Crews will patch the small boreholes immediately after collecting each sample. Each groundwater sampling location will require one to four hours for preparation and drilling. The project will take approximately two weeks to complete.

The groundwater samples will undergo laboratory testing to detect the presence and concentrations of specific solvent-related chemicals. Review of that data will provide information for the next steps in the investigation of the affected area and assessment of potential health risks associated with the contamination.

Ecology is mailing information about the project to addresses in and near the study areas. Project information also will be updated on line during the progress of the project,

When results of the groundwater sampling are available, Ecology will post the information on line at and arrange a community meeting to explain the results and answer questions.

People with questions or comments about the investigation may contact Ecology at